Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sports Talk with Brian

A few comments on tonights games...

1) If the Wings win the Stanley cup Thomas Homstrom deserves the MVP...I'm rather confident that if we didn't get him back during the San Jose series we wouldn't be in the playoffs right now.
2) While listening to the game (not on regular television) I was torn with the thought of whether I would have rather been at this game or the last one. I decided I would rather be at the one I went to...while it would be a lot of fun watch the Wings just kill the Ducks, I honestly think I would rather see an intense well played game by both sides.

3) Coach Babcock finally impressed me (yeah I sure he'll be glad to hear that he finally gained my approval). Honestly it is great that he was able to change up the lines and have such a positive effect. We really haven't seen this kind of result since Scotty Bowman was at the helm and he always seemed to be able to change the lines to turn around a series.

Now for the Pistons...

4) Seriously guys....seriously. I think all Detroit fans need to write articles and send them to the team telling them that they suck. Seriously because once everyone starts talking about how great they are they stop playing hard...its as if their main goal is to prove people wrong (even if they are saying you are great and should win). With this loss ESPN has started talking about the Bulls taking this to game 7, which makes me feel better because that should be enough to get them to play hard once again.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on both the Red Wings, and Pistons. Since Homstrom is back, the Wings get some traffic in front of the net.

Sherry said...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, someone needs 2 tell Billups that he's washed up and guaran-sheed that they lose the next game by 50 points.

im disgusted with basketball right now.
