Saturday, April 15, 2006

It Begins...

Alright for quite awhile I've been thinking about starting a blog, but I've been really nervous about doing it. I know it isn't a big deal and hardly anyone will read it, but there are two major hesitations that I haven't been able to get past. 1) Well I don't want to be one of those people that starts a blog writes one or two and then to start it is really quite a responsibility. 2) Well I have some hesitation about just telling the stories of my life. While I really love telling my stories, I prefer someone to ask me questions about my life that allow me to tell the stories. See that way if the other person doesn't like the story I can always tell myself "hey they are the ones that asked."

However the more I've read others blogs the more I think about how much fun it would be. Well if you are reading this there really is no way to build suspense about whether or not I decided to go for. Basically my goal is to make this a collection of old stories, new stories, and random rants on various topics that pop into my head. So here we go...