Friday, April 28, 2006

Blood and Pepper

So I haven’t been able to get motivated to write another entry for my blog. Well I guess that isn’t totally true because I wrote one the other night but didn’t post it. It was a serious one again. My friend Ciara was talking about her blog last week and how hers is a funny blog so she can’t post too serious of stuff on it. That’s when I realized that I need to be careful about what I post early on so that I don’t get stereotyped as a “serious” blog.

As a solution my initial thought was to post the “greatest story ever,” which happened to me during my junior year of college, but that is a story I prefer to tell in person. However, if someone were to search the internet long and hard they just might find it. I’ll give you a hint…It’s like the time I woke up in bed with my half-naked, future roommates girlfriend. So what to do…well I’ll just have to pull out a story from my past. I may not be a funny guy, but funny stuff happens either to me or around me. So I’ll share the story about how I got the scar on my forehead.

It was the start of my senior year of college, and our apartment decided to throw a party to celebrate the start of another year of school. We were having some fun and getting pretty drunk. Then late in the evening some guy was out in the parking lot throwing beer bottles at cars. So me and my liquid courage tells everyone not to worry about it I’ll take care of the problem. I head over to the group of people and start asking who was the idiot that was throwing bottles. While the guy won’t say that it was him I knew who it was…and as it turns out he was huge…seriously even with liquid courage I had second thoughts about making a big deal about this. However I convinced myself that I was doing a noble thing by standing up to this jerk, and then proceed to stare at this guy saying things about how only a pansy would do that and then hide when someone came to call him out on it. I assure you that my language was much cruder than what I’m putting here, but I think you get the idea. Finally at some point I said something that upset him enough to get in my face…the next thing I remember I was on my doorstep wondering where all this blood was coming from.

So some neighbor girls (whom at the time I had never met, but we would later become really good friends) came over and helped stop the bleeding from my forehead. This is when my roommate Joe said, “Hey I just read that if you put pepper in a cut it’ll stop the bleeding.” All the girls thought that was a bad idea, but I was all for it and said get the pepper. By the way…pepper does not stop bleeding, but it does add to the pain with something of more a burning sensation. This is also a potential reason why it left such a nice scar that can still be seen to this day. The following morning I woke up covered in blood and pepper with a major hangover and thought to myself “something has to change here.” After that night I didn’t drink for almost a year…so that wasn’t the best story (I have way better), but hopefully I got a few chuckles out of you.


beneathwing said...

Are you sure you used the correct pepper?

Elbow said...

What kind of pepper was I suppose to use?

beneathwing said...

You know, the one that can stop the blood.

Elbow said...

I assume you mean (B)lood (S)topping (P)epper...right...or is it the Bull Spit Pepper. Man both are such good options that I can't decide.

I didn't mean that there is anything wrong with serious posts, but that I want to be able to mix it up from time to time.

Anonymous said...

so you're saying there's something wrong with "always funny" posts?? am I supposed to mix it up, too?

maybe readers can just pretend that the "funny" ones that they don't laugh at are actually "serious"? if they did that, I am sure that many of my entries could be considered "serious". :)