Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wedding - Part 10

Wedding/Honeymoon Photo of the Day

Today's post is actually a stolen post from our mutual friend Ciara. For those of you at the ceremony she is the girl that introduced Dem to me. Ciara has had many friends and as a result she always has friends getting married. So she started on her blog a tradition of posting something about the wedding and then offering a sneak peak into the future of the married couple. She takes photos of the two, combines them to form a look at their future son and daughter. It is always a combination of creepy and humorous. So courtesy of Ciara here are her pictures of us, our future son, and our future daughter.


Our Daughter
Our Son


Sherry said...

I don't know what to say, but I don't want to hurt your feelings and I don't want to lie either. :)

Sherry said...

correction: it's "because" instead of "but".

Mrs. Starman said...

Huh... totally odd. The male is ok, but the girl is frightening.

BT said...

can't wait to babysit! makes babysitting an "adventure sport" :)

Lonetree said...

Good looking grand kids?