Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fourth of July

I'm going to take a break from the wedding photo posting, but I can guarantee at least one more post since we now have the wedding pictures back from Mike (though we really haven't looked at them much yet). Anywho, on the fourth of July Dem and I hung out with our friends Mike and Karen (you can check out their blogs for some other pictures from this evening...also of note is that every picture is from Mike's camera). Basically you combine fireworks/sparklers with a skilled photographer and bam, you've got sparkler art for everyone's enjoyment.

Joy, Dem, me, Karen, and Mike + 1 sparkler + camera flash + timer + long exposure
= AWESOME Group Photo

Dem's first work of sparkler art.

My second (and best) attempt at spelling my last night...I'm not very good at writing with a pen and paper when I can see it, so writing with fire in mid air was not a strength of mine.

With a little help from our friends...awwww.

It was then concluded with a pretty sweet firework show courtesy of Mike...well done.


Mrs. Starman said...

WAY COOL! Nice job!

ae said...

cool sparklers!!

Sherry said...
