Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New President

First, I have to thank President Bush for his past eight years of service and sacrifice for the United States of America. He has made unpopular decisions because he thought they were the right decisions and has lead us through a historic period of time. Perhaps now since everyone is weary of the war and concerned about the economy that we forget how well loved and respected he was after 9/11. So thank you President Bush and hope that your accomplishments aren't forgotten in history.

Also I say congratulations President-elect Obama. I find his views on abortion revolting and disagree with his economic policies, but I will never show him the disrespect that has been shown Bush over the past 6 years-ish. Furthermore I'm glad to be able to see the first black President elected and will always show in the respect he deserves as the President of the United States of America...even if I passionately disagree with his positions.


Mrs. Starman said...

I also disagree with his positions, but appreciate the gravity of his position. The leader of our country earns a certain level of respect, regardless of their politics.

demoreeann said...

well said, brian & mrs.starman.

Unknown said...

Yep, as Americans, we need to support Obama, regardless of whether we want him as our President or not.